Reading? Writing? Counting? Watching or other ….?
Yes, it turns out the most dominant activity in our lives is to communicate. Communications are everywhere. At home, in travel, in vehicles, in the office. Communication is also done by anyone, from babies to seniors. From handyman vegetables to the director.
This means that communications skills greatly affects our lives. The success of our lives will be greatly influenced by the quality of our communication.
The success of Obama becoming president is due to the communication factor. Also the other world leaders, they have excellent in communications skills.
Let us improve our communications skills !
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Talk about communications skills, look the barriers to effective communication.
Communication is the key element in the success of any organization. When it comes to standfast communication, there are many barriers that every comity faces. People generally feel that communication is as it sounds. No doubt, but what makes it complex, and difficult.
Communications skills include how to deliver messages that overload and very complex.
Communications skills also talk about way to make effective presentation. Way of presenting information also affects the level of effectiveness. Using a powerpoint presentation certainly better than not using it. Then the use of graphics, pictures and other visuals will improve communication effectiveness. In contrast, the presentation of a complicated way would hinder the understanding of the participants
By uttering the same words but have different meanings, then even this led to ineffective communication. Make sure you avoid these words. You will learn it in communications skills course.
Inability to communicate can also cause the messages conveyed can not be absorbed completely by the listeners. Included intonation, and sound volume. Communications skills must covered these issue.
Erros system design on the organizational structure. Organizational structure that is not clear can be confusing, make people do not know exactly to whom he must communicate. Lack of clarity in responsibilities and job desription also causes of ineffective communication. Whatever level communications skills you are, if these issues are not solved, then no effective communication occurs.
Again, communications skills is mandatory. Physical obstacles are often due to the nature of the environment.For example, the natural obstacles which exists, if staff are located in not same buildings or on different places.Likewise, poor or damage equipment, particularly the failure of management to introduce new tools, able to cause problems.Staff shortages are another factor that frequently makes communication difficulties for an organisation. Whilst distractions like background noise, small lighting or circumtance which is too hot or cold can all affect people's concentration.
Attitudinal barriers arise as a result of poor management, lack of consultation with employees, lack of training for communications skills, personal conflict. Also due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction in the workplace.
Barriers such body is not healthy, hearing loss, impaired view and other disorders that cause the body can not convey or receive information as well.
About Written Communication
Communications skills not just in oral. There is another kind of communication like a written communication. You have to good in written communications skills Communication where the meaning is conveyed in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process involves listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, movement, and evaluate. Misunderstandings can be anticipated and resolved through the questions and answers, examples, and a strategic story.
By written communication, you have not to attend to deliver the content. So, whoever we do not need to be proficient in the presentation or public speaking. You can submit a written communication very well, because you can make a correction and reinforcement to make your writing very interesting. Of course, to produce all that you need to have good in writing communications skills.
Along with the development of psychological science, communications and technology so the researchers divided the development of written communication into three phases.
The first stage, written communication made using the pictographs on the rock.
The second phase, start use of paper, papyrus, clay, wax, etc.. A leap in technology occurs when Gutenberg invented the printing tool in the 15th century.
The third stage is characterized by the transfer of information through electronic equipment. Communications skills, science the most needed