Handling for Public Speaking Fear

Image for Public Speaking FearStill have a Public Speaking fear ? Don't worry... Some tips bellow can help you to reduce it significantly.

Good Preparation for Good Presentation
( Tip #1 for publlic speaking fear )

  • This is the main key. Prepare your presentation materials as well as you can. Starting from the opening presentation, the main contents and how to closing the presentation

  • Look at the place before the event if you can. Check it!

  • Think about what you are going to wear

  • Mouth and breathing exercises

  • Practise saying some tongue twisters to give your speaking muscles a good work out

  • Take a deep breath and expand your diaphragm. Then breathe out, counting at the same time; try and get up to fifty and not pass out. This is really good for handling public speaking fear.

Reduce Your Nervous
( Tip #2 for publlic speaking fear )

  • I'm suggesting you pretend you're not nervous because no doubt you will be

  • Do not tell your audience your nervous

  • Before you're called to speak, get lots of oxygen into your system

  • Run on the spot and wave your arms about like alunatic.

It burns off the stress chemicals.

  • Speak to members of your audience before you stand up. That tricks your brain into thinking you're talking to some friends.

Ready to go..
( Tip #3 for publlic speaking fear )

  • Before you start to speak, pause, look round your audience and smile

  • You may even have to wait until the applause dies down

  • Remember, you want the audience to like you, so look likeable.

Hope this useful for handling your public speaking fear .

How to Conquer Public Speaking Fear
(Adapted from an article by Morton C. Orman, M.D.)

Key #1 to conquer public speaking fear : Speaking In Public is NOT Inherently Stressful

  • Mostly, we have been taught that it is stressful

  • Many have learned how to overcome this issue

  • Even though initially terrified to speak in public

  • They learned how to control/eliminate their fears

  • If they can do it, so can you! Word for conquer public speaking fear

  • To make this goal a reality

  • It won’t happen overnight

  • You can succeed! Kill your public speaking fear

Key #2 to conquer public speaking fear : All You Need is Two or Three Main Points

  • Most studies show audiences remember few facts or information

  • A few well-delivered and clear points are enough

  • Too much is overwhelming and can be boring

  • This makes your job much easier!

Key #3 to conquer public speaking fear : You Don’t Have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed

  • Public speaking is not about being: Brilliant, Witty, Perfect

  • You can be average even be below average (present this for reduce public speaking fear), Make mistakes, Get tongue-tied

  • Even forget whole segments of your talk

  • You audience does not expect perfection! Remember this for reduce public speaking fear

  • Thinking you have to be “perfect” gets in the way of your success

  • They will consider their time with you worthwhile

Key #4 to conquer public speaking fear : The Best Way to Succeed is Not to Consider Yourself a Public Speaker

  • Although it seems strange

  • This is the best way to succeed

  • This way you don’t need to live up to unrealistic role expectations

  • You are yourself, Not some other speaker you’ve seen

  • Be YOURSELF! Remove public speaking fear

  • Give yourself permission to be yourself in front of other people

  • You can stand up in front of others for reduce public speaking fear

Key #5 to conquer public speaking fear : You also Need a Purpose That is Right for the Task

  • The correct  purpose is VERY important

  • What you don’t need, or the Wrong purpose: Everyone to agree with you, Everyone to approve of you To expect perfection

  • Give  of yourself, something useful, something of value

  • Then you can be a winner on the stage

Do this, conquer your public speaking fear !