Do not ever dream of your presentation with amazing success without enough practice. Are the methods and the portion of your training is adequate? With what technology you practice? How many hours you practice? How do you evaluate your practice?
Use a video cam! This way currently the most useful. You can record your speech or presentation exercise, then you analyze the results.
Strongly not recommended practice in front of the mirror. you will distracted by your own shadow. If you do not have a video cam, you can use a voice recorder. This is minimum requirement. If you do not have, you are not qualified to be an exciting and successful presenter.
This is an urgent part of presentations tips for successful presentation from presentations tips dot com
Another presentations tips for success:
What Font to Use | presentations tips
Type size should be 18 points or larger:
Avoid using all capital letters because it’s much harder to read
Color | presentations tips
Dark letters against a light background work
Dark letters against a light background
are best for smaller rooms, especially when the lights are on for teaching
Light letters against a dark background also work
Many experts feel that a dark blue or black background works best for talks in a large room
Print Your Slides | presentations tips
Don’t read the presentation
Print out copies of your slides (‘handouts’)
You can annotate them and use them as notes
You can review them as you’re waiting
If everything crashes – the bulb blows, you can still make your main points in a logical way
Preparing Yourself... | presentations tips
Immerse yourself in what you are going to say
Web of Science/Google it: use the latest news
Make sure you are familiar with the projection equipment, remote control and Powerpoint
Bring your presentation on a memory stick AND a laptop with power supply AND an extension cord …
What to Wear … | presentations tips
Dress up – maybe wear a jacket?
More formal attire makes you appear more authoritative and you show you care enough to try to look nice
Dark clothes are more powerful than light clothes
Shirts or blouses with collars are better than collarless ones
Clothes with pressed creases (!) are signs of power
Giving the Presentation | presentations tips
Starting out is the hardest part of the talk
To get going, memorize the first few lines
“Hello, I’m Stephanie Pfirman. The title of my presentation is, ‘The Arctic Marginal Ice Zone.’ The edge of the pack ice is the most dynamic, the most productive, and – unfortunately -- the most vulnerable region in the Arctic.”
Experienced speakers: | presentations tips
Speak freely and look directly at audience
Inexperienced speakers: | presentations tips
Put outline and key points of your presentation on your slides
You don’t have to remember what to say
Eyes are on the slide not on you
Key points are there for people who weren’t listening or who are visual learners
Stand where the figures can be seen | presentations tips
Look at people during presentation
Be enthusiastic
Don’t worry about stopping to think
Don’t rush
Figure out which slide is your half-way mark and use that to check your time
Don’t apologize or make comments about yourself | presentations tips
“I hope you’re not bored”
“I was working on this ‘til 3 am”
Don’t overuse the pointer | presentations tips
Don’t try to be cute and don’t force being funny
Don’t forget acknowledgements, always give proper credit
Presentations tips : Everyone in the audience has come to listen to your lecture with the secret hope of hearing their work mentioned
Rehearsing | presentations tips
Practice – actually stand up and say the words out loud | presentations tips
You discover what you don’t understand
You develop a natural flow
You come up with better phrasings and ways to describe things
It is harder to explain things than you think, practicing helps you find the words
Stay within the time limit
Try speaking too loud to get a feeling where the upper limit is
Don’t over rehearse or memorize the talk | presentations tips
The first practice things will improve at least 10 fold -- the second will make things twice as good -- the third may add a bit of polish, but from there it can easily get worse
Presentations tips from Stephanie Pfirman in ”Giving Research Presentations”