Some facts on Interpersonal communication:
Interpersonal communication is inescapable
You can not shy away from communication. If you avoid the communication means you want to remove your senses.
Communications are everywhere
Yes! At home there is communication, as well on the road. Even in the bed. Strictly, wherever there is always communication.
Communication is not just spoken words
Your attitude, your movements, your behavior is a form of communication that have an impact on others and to yourself.
Body language is a kind of communication
Furrow eye, front view, the way you sit either consciously or not able to give a special impression on others. However, the same body language can give different meanings in each region. For example, holding the head of another person is considered demeaning to others. But for other regions, may be precisely the opposite means. Therefore, be careful in using this type of communication. Get to know the culture in your area if you were somewhere else.
Silence is also one form of communication
This type of communication can be interpreted manifold. Silence could mean agree, confused or up only. We recommend that you avoid this type of communication because it does not help you.
Most of the time we used to do a communication
Communication covers everything. Includes every place, every situation, every time, every action ... including silent. Because it's undeniable that most of the time we use for communication.
Therefore, the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our communication
How do I know if I need to improve my interpersonal communications skills?
The answer is : everybody need it! Cause, with develop it our live better.
So... develope our interpersonal communications skills right now!
Develop Interpersonal Communications skills at home
The house that makes us happy to live in, if all its inhabitants to develop interpersonal communications skills. The problem of protracted family is usually caused by poor communication. How could these issues are not resolved if there is no communication with either. Interpersonal communications skills in a family can also cause high mutual understanding among fellow members of the family, mutual respect, mutual desire to know each one so that it causes a very positive impact to build a full and harmonious family.
To develop interpersonal communications skills, especially concerning the relationships within the family, you can take courses or training as appropriate. Invest in training for the harmony of your family. Keep in mind that this training should be attended by all members of your family. when all have had Interpersonal Communication skills it will be more easily realized harmonious family
Develop Interpersonal Communications skills in Office
Typically, Interpersonal Communications skills are taught only to the salesmen or marketing team due to they will be a lot of communicating with customers or prospective customers. But really, if all employees develop Interpersonal communications skills enhanced the office atmosphere is also more comfortable as comfortable as a house that all occupants have had good interpersonal communications skills.
Quality of Communication
Determinants of outcome of communication is the quality, not quantity. If you for hours with your beloved family, but you are not wearing it to good communicate, it better to communicate a few minutes by good quality of communication. Not the number of meetings (communication), but the quality of communication that is more decisive.
The disadvantages people who do not have the interpersonal communications skills
- Lost a lot of opportunities
If your Interpersonal communications skills are low, you are not able to convince your prospective customers. Of course, you are unable to obtain sales. Then your boss is also reluctant to choose you to get a promotion.
- There is no friend
Certainly, the people who low in interpersonal communications skills are less interesting. Even if very severe, so you can actually despised by many people. Just imagine, if you are annoying due to wrong to communicates (and you do not know that it's wrong) then you would not like anyone else.
- No Maximum
With the poor quality in interpersonal communications skills, of course you can not achieve maximum results. The position that we got was not optimal, the wealth we earn is also not optimal. Also the functions as a humans are not optimal. Humans are creatures of communication. With low levels of interpersonal communications skills, then human beings can not function optimally.
Do not wait until tomorrow, begin to develop interpersonal communications skills today!
Develop Interpersonal Communications skills
It is very important to developing interpersonal communications skills. Even you are an individually worker in your office, you still need to communicate effectively with your boss. In a fact, our communication skills would be largely dependant on our cultural background.
Some facts on Interpersonal communication:
Interpersonal communication is inescapable
Communications are everywhere
Most of the time we used to do a personal communication
Communication is not just spoken words
Body language is a kind of communication
Silence is also one form of communication
Therefore, the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our communication
So... develope our interpersonal communications skills right now!
How do I know if I need to improve my interpersonal communications skills?
The answer is : everybody need it! Cause, with develop it our live better.