After you read some presentation tips from my other articles, today is about advanced presentation skills. Presentation is one of the important things in an event. Presentations must be submitted with the material convincing according to the content. Here is advanced presentation skills tips you should consider:
2. Inspirit material that you bring. Tip two advanced presentation skills. A presentation is not the same as reading poetry, you do not need to memorize the material that you bring, every presentation requires two things that must live and have the energy. This is the meaning of advanced presentation skills. This will you get if you live the material that you bring.
3. Do a simulation of your presentation. Tips third in this advanced presentation skills important to be implemented for the quality of your presentation better. Before presenting a good idea to do a simulation first presentation. If possible, invite your colleagues at the time of simulation and honestly ask their opinion about your performance at the time of presentation. This is advanced presentation skills There is no harm if you continue to repeat in order to obtain perfection.
4. Master your presentation room. Advanced presentation skills fourth tips. Try to come at least fifteen minutes before the presentation. Walk around the room so you can determine the most appropriate view for you when presenting. This is for advanced presentation skills.
5. Check of your equipment before the presentation; Make sure the sound system is working perfectly, also make sure that your LCD can display your presentation perfectly, it never hurts you also check the light switch to make sure all your presentation materials can be seen perfectly.
6. Save your presentation material in the disk drive; though seem trivial, make sure you save all the files in the disk drive, store it in a floppy, flash disc or CD sometimes makes running your presentation becomes slower.
7. Use the remote control; Do not be rigid stand on stage and do not always stand over the laptop and an LCD that you use. You must be in a position where all the audience can see you clearly, though because it does not hurt you to use your remote control. But that does not mean if you use the remote you are free to shop around at the time of presentation, it will only break the concentration of your audience.
8. Reduce the use of laser pointers; The use of laser pointers can break the concentration of your audience, especially when you experience nervousness, even so the use of laser pointers are not effective. Better you use hands out on materi2 you wish to view.
9. Do not talk on the slide that you created; Many presenters are more looking at the slides, which obviously they already know about its contents than to see the audience. We recommend that you focus your eyes and your attention to an audience, multiply eye contact will make your presentation become more interesting.
10. Navigate your slides. This is the last advanced presentation skills tips. We recommend that you create a slide show using the 'link' this is important because the audience is often asked on the slide that you presented. This is the totality of a advanced presentation skills. The use of link makes it easier to find a slide that needs to be repeated quickly, without having to display the entire slide presentation.
Thus advanced presentation skills tips, hopefully you can use these tips in the presentation of your event. I hope, your presentation will be successful after following these tips advanced presentation skills articles from this and make me a useful lesson for you all, good practice.