Prepare materials with a good or interesting presentation is more important for students who are doing the final project? To be sure both are very important. Since the material and how to present it should be completely cooked and prepared with care. That students can prepare for the task at last, in thesis presentation tips there are two things to note are:
a. Must understand the content of the final project or thesis in detail, so I can answer with a good explanation at the trial presentation.
b. Must prepare physically and mentally strong during the exam session.
Following this, I will explain some of the preparations you should do during the exam session.
1. Presentation Materials
Thesis presentation tips this first review of presentation materials. In the presentation materials for the test session, the students should pay attention to five things below, namely:
a. Presenting the test session, for about 10-15 minutes and the slides that you have prepared, namely:
- Include the title and author or researcher
- The background, scope, objectives and methodology
- The terms, definitions, concepts supporting analysis
- Diagram analysis
- Design or new concepts
- And the conclusions and suggestions.
b. Use a good program like powerpoint presentations
c. Display a simple matter, but should be informative and interesting, or dynamic
d. Prepare back-up files, not to lose the text presentation or thesis material, if any unexpected incidents.
2. Physical Preparation Students
In physically prepare for the exam session, there are five things that need to be considered by students, such as:
a. So always keep the body in good health until the test trial is over, in a way that regular meals, regular rest and regular exercise. More importantly, do not stay up when tomorrow will face the test session, as it will cause the physical becomes weak and less energetic and also causes the unpreparedness and imperfections during the trial presentation.
b. Ccontrol feelings of fear, whether it's because the material is less interesting, or because the examiner who may be "killer", which can cause anxiety and worry, so you are not able to do a good presentation. It is not unusual for people who do a presentation is a natural thing and no good also we have fear, because fear will motivate us to always be cautious and prepare the material well, but not too over confidence.
c. Exercise as much as possible, such as exercise: pronunciation, clarity of speech, diction and style which includes non-verbal eye contact, body cover, physical appearance and others. When at practice, you better goal record in order to be heard again and correct the clarity of sound and time again. Can do the exercises in front of a mirror or can be in front of a group of friends with us.
d. practice eliminates nervousness, could draw a long breath, drink water or trying to relax.
e. When they want to do a presentation, use clothes neat, clean, courteous and convenient to use and be seen. Because when dealing (face to face) directly with faculty examiners in person, you will look more attractive and courteous and will be an additional value to your presentation.
3. Audience
Besides you do a presentation, you also have to do that is willing to be empathetic listener. That means you should be able to explain clearly and are willing to accept criticism and input from the board of examiners as well as honor.
4. Intellectual
In addition you have to understand the thesis, you also must read the book or seen a television program or find other information related to the theme that you want presented, be it from a scientific or popular explanation though. Because the more you get or obtain a lot of information, the stronger your confidence in doing presentations.
5. Emotional
Indeed, in presenting the emotional sense it is very necessary, especially in a discussion with the examiner. Emergence confidence as you gain mastery of the material and research diving experience. That way, you can answer all questions from the examiner in diplomatic, especially questions that lecturer strange and distorted presentations of material, such as: Mention space linkup, read literature or experiences during the research. The most important thing you do in a trial that is stubborn and can not withstand the emotions and try before you answer thank you in advance, also when given input and most importantly you do not need to be ashamed to admit, that you can not answer the question examiner. This thesis presentation tips that you should not ignore.
6. Spiritual
The last for thesis presentation tips is about spiritual preparation. Spiritual preparation is done by praying fervently, especially before the exam session. Ask for the blessing of the parents or the elder so that the liver is more calm and confident high.
Thus thesis presentation tips, hopefully with this preparation, you are all successful in the final session of the exam and get a satisfactory value. Welcome to use this thesis presentation tips.