You need to know about your audience and what the purpose of your presentation. With formula 5W+1H (What, When, Where, Why and How). This is the formula you need to create a successful presentation.
Prepare yourself to successful presentation. To prepare yourself before making the presentation, there are three important things:
- Keeping your body condition, so that more energy, primed and continued encouragement.
- Find clothes that match the presentation material you want to bring.
- Find the data and the fact that you can use for reference material to strengthen your presentation and explanation of your presentation.
Prepare and check the supporting device once again is an obligation for someone who wants to successful presentation. You need to check the laptop, your powerpoint presentation file, paper, video files, tool demonstrations, white board, clip boards and equipment, projectors, laser pointers, Do not forget to try or tested first of all your presentation equipment.
For successful presentation, you also need to learn presentation techniques. You can read a book about an effective and interesting presentations. Second, look at the presentation techniques used by famous speakers like Steve Jobs, etc.After that practice every day, you can do in the room, could also infront of friend, sister, parents, and if necessary you can do on the beach or wherever you think nice. Create your own presentation style to successful presentation.
Other requirements for successful presentation is structured and concise content slides but weighted with an attractive design. You need to know, that writing a long slide that can make your audience bored to listen to your presentation. For that, the content of your slides should be structured and concise sentences by entering an important and principal only. This is the most important tips for your successful presentation. If you need help give a different color, give a bold, give the bottom line and give effect or animation with an attractive design does not look plain mean. In order for your audience feel comfortable to see your slide show presentation.
When you want to do a presentation to behave calm, not nervous, take a deep breath and then release it slowly and keep eye contact to your audience, do not forget to pray before start the presentation. This is what will make yourself always relaxed in doing successful presentation in front of many people and will look more professional.
Take advantage of your potential to add to successful presentation! Humans have the potential different between one another. To harness the potential that you have, for create your successful presentation. Suppose that your potential love joking then use all the words of humor, if you are very serious potential acuity then use all your analysis, if you are a quiet or a loner then use all the techniques of reflection, and if you have the potential of the knowledge of psychology, automotive, IT or other then make use in your presentation.
This is great tips for successful presentation. May be useful.