Microsoft Office Power Point Themes
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About Blue Color
Congratulations, you've chosen the blue color (for your Microsoft Office Power Point Themes)! Already know the ins and outs about the color of beer? Blue is the color of sky and ocean. Most colors we see. It is stable and broad. Blue also means peace, hope and sacrifice. Blue is Pasing, calm and cool. This color also has characters that relate to concentration, cooperation, can accept any input, sensitive, intelligent and united.
But remember, blue is also often represent things that are dangerous. A hazardous liquid that is usually given a blue color such as methylated. The forbidden film also uses the term of blue.
Blue is the primary color that produce other colors derivatives. For example, if mixed with yellow it will be green. If mixed with red then it will be brown. According to an alternative therapist, the blue color associated with the throat chakra. The blue is a calming color and is best used to treat insomnia, gastritis, arthritis, lower back pain, sore throat, asthma and migraine.
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