Contain : Making PowerPoint Slides (Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides)
A kind of powerpoint presentation tips. Compare between a good presentation slide and bad one.
Content : about outlines, slide structure, fonts, colour, background, graphs, spelling and grammar, conclusions, questions.

This powerpoint presentation examples tagged in: powerpoint skills tips, powerpoint tips skills, powerpoint presentation, powerpoint tutorial, powerpoint background tips.
A nice Powerpoint Presentation Examples ...
source: www.iasted.org
Another powerpoint presentation examples
Title : Making Presentations That Audiences Will Love
Use a Template
- Use a set font and color scheme.
- Different styles are disconcerting to the audience.
- You want the audience to focus on what you present, not the way you present.
powerpoint presentation examples
- Choose a clean font that is easy to read.
- Roman and Gothic typefaces are easier to read than Script or Comic.
- Stick with one or two types of fonts.
powerpoint presentation examples
- Keep each bullet to one line, two at the most.
- Limit the number of bullets in a screen to six
powerpoint presentation examples
Bullets & Cueing
- Bullets allow you to “cue” the audience in on what you are going to say.
- Cues can be thought of as a brief “preview.”
- This gives the audience a “framework” to build upon.
powerpoint presentation examples
Caps and Italics
- Do not use all capital letters
- – Makes text hard to read
- – Conceals acronyms
- – Denies their use for EMPHASIS
- Italics
- – Used for “quotes”
- – Used to highlight thoughts or ideas
- – Used for book, journal, or magazine titles
powerpoint presentation examples
- Reds and oranges are high-energy but can be difficult to stay focused on.
- Greens, blues, and browns are mellower, but not as attention grabbing.
powerpoint presentation examples
- A white on a dark background is used for this presentation as:
- – The author assumes most users will view the presentation on their own computer.
- – Having a darker background on a computer screen reduces glare.
- – White on dark background should not be used if the audience is more than 20 feet away.
powerpoint presentation examples
The Color Wheel
- Colors separated by another color are contrasting colors (also known as complementary)
- Adjacent colors (next to each other) harmonize with one another. e.g. Green and Yellow
powerpoint presentation examples
To make a slide stand out, change the font and/or background
powerpoint presentation examples
- Use only when needed, otherwise they become distracters instead of communicators
- They should relate to the message and help make a point
- Ask yourself if it makes the message clearer
- Simple diagrams are great communicators
powerpoint presentation examples
- Make letters at least a 1/4 high
- Flipcharts with lines are much easier to write on
powerpoint presentation examples
Screen Size for Readability
Screen 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 15’
1/4 inch 30’ 40’ 50’ 60’ 90’
3/8 inch 45’ 60’ 75’ 90’ 135’
1/2 inch 60’ 80’ 100’ 120’ 180’
1/4” type shown on a screen size of 6’ can be seen 30’ away (20 point Times Roman equals 1/4” type)
1/2” type shown on a 10’ screen can be seen 75’ away (40 point Times Roman equals 1/4” type)
powerpoint presentation examples
- Do not use the media to hide you
- The audience came to see you
- The media should enhance the presentation, not BE the presentation
- If all you are going to do is read from the slides or overheads, then just send them the slides
- Remember, only you can prevent
- “Death by PowerPoint”
powerpoint presentation examples
by Donald R. Clark
powerpoint presentation examples