Friend…, although there are medications that can temporarily relieve anxiety, such as for those who experienced public speaking anxiety, unfortunately, many of these drugs have bad side effects enough. Even some can be habit-forming, causing the user to always depend on the drug continuously.
The survey shows that public speaking is the greatest fear for many people, but in fact there is no chemical drugs specifically designed to reduce public speaking anxiety. Anti-anxiety drugs are more likely simply to generalized anxiety in life, are not specific for public speaking anxiety medication.
The good news is...
There is an alternative for treating specific public speaking anxiety. One is the video series program created by EasyCalm.com. The program guide exercise every day to gradually expand the "comfort zone" that cause prevent any anxiety at any situation, not just when speaking in public like a public speaking fear .
EasyCalm program is an alternative for treating public speaking anxiety and situational anxiety problems. This program is natural, so there are no negative side effects or risk of dependency. You do not need public speaking anxiety medication (chemical drugs treatment), you just need a natural program to address the root causes of anxiety. Please visit easycalm.com to overcoming public speaking fear ...
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Making Conversation Effective
Public speaking anxiety medication | The father of W.E. Gladstone considered conversation to be both an art and an accomplishment. Around the dinner table in his home some topic of local or national interest, or some debated question, was constantly being discussed. In this way a friendly rivalry for supremacy in conversation arose among the family, and an incident observed in the street, an idea gleaned from a book, a deduction from personal experience, was carefully stored as material for the family exchange. - Public speaking anxiety medication - Thus his early years of practise in elegant conversation prepared the younger Gladstone for his career as a leader and speaker. Public speaking anxiety medication | There is a sense in which the ability to converse effectively is efficient public speaking, for our conversation is often heard by many, and occasionally decisions of great moment hinge upon the tone and quality of what we say in private.
Indeed, conversation in the aggregate probably wields more power than press and platform combined. Public speaking anxiety medication | Socrates taught his great truths, not from public rostrums, but in personal converse. Men made pilgrimages to Goethe's library and Coleridge's home to be charmed and instructed by their speech, and the culture of many nations was immeasurably influenced by the thoughts that streamed out from those rich well-springs Public speaking anxiety medication | Most of the world-moving speeches are made in the course of conversation. - Public speaking anxiety medication - Conferences of diplomats, business-getting arguments, decisions by boards of directors, considerations of corporate policy, all of which influence the political, mercantile and economic maps of the world, are usually the results of careful though informal conversation, and the man whose opinions weigh in such crises is he who has first carefully pondered the words of both antagonist and protagonist
Public speaking anxiety medication | However important it may be to attain self-control in light social converse, or about the family table, it is undeniably vital to have oneself perfectly in hand while taking part in a momentous conference. - Public speaking anxiety medication - Then the hints that we have given on poise, alertness, precision of word, clearness of statement, and force of utterance, with respect to public speech, are equally applicable to conversation. Public speaking anxiety medication | The form of nervous egotism--for it is both--that suddenly ends in flusters just when the vital words need to be uttered, is the sign of coming defeat, for a conversation is often a contest. If you feel this tendency embarrassing you, be sure to listen to Holmes's advice: Public speaking anxiety medication | And when you stick on conversational burs, Don't strew your pathway with those dreadful urs. Here bring your will into action, for your trouble is a wandering attention. You must force your mind to persist along the chosen line of conversation and resolutely refuse to be diverted by any subject or happening that may unexpectedly pop up to distract you. To fail here is to lose effectiveness utterly. Public speaking anxiety medication | Concentration is the keynote of conversational charm and efficiency. The haphazard habit of expression that uses bird-shot when a bullet is needed insures missing the game, for diplomacy of all sorts rests upon the precise application of precise words, particularly--if one may paraphrase Tallyrand--in those crises when language is no longer used to conceal thought. | Public speaking anxiety medication
Source : Dale C