1. Do not be silent
Before you start to speech, make sure you do the movements as follows:
- Little movement for relaxation
- Waved your hand before boarding the pulpit
- Holding something : glass, fixing the position of the mic, and other movements that you can create.
These movements can reduce the anxiety chemicals.
2. Do not come on time
If you arrive on time, you could be more have anxiety. Moreover, if the traffic to the site can not be predicted.
Arrive early, grab the spare time is safe. At least 20 minutes before your scheduled speech you have to.
3. Do not do discount yourself
Do not say that you are not ready, or you say lack of understanding of this problem. Apology or other statement that reduces your credibility. If you do, you will be more getting public speaking anxiety. Speak with a steady!
4. Do not look at the face of a hostile
Your audience have alot of typical face. There was a smile and friendly. You also find them arrogant, nosy, and a hostile face. In the first few minutes of your speech, make sure you avoid those faces.
5. Do not forget to practice
Well, this is the most important of all. It must be realized that practicing certainly better than not practicing at all. With practice you can minimize your shortcomings, and more ready to fight. Even, if you are good enough in practice you become impatient to bring your topic. And this means the public speaking anxiety was gone.
Read : 3 Crucials Public Speaking Tips
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Another tips public speaking anxiety reduction (By: Colin Neville)
If you can, get to the lecture room before the audience, rather than rushing in when they have arrived. Get audience doing something in the first few minutes of your presentation for reduction your public speaking anxiety. Give them an exercise of some sort to do at the beginning; get them talking to each other. It takes all the eyes off you. It gives you a chance to settle in, and makes you feel more in control, really good for overcoming public speaking anxiety.
Engage in deep and slow breathing exercises: before your presentation (and during it, if the audience are busy with an exercise). Get control of your breathing, its popular public speaking anxiety reduction tips. Look good – feel good – sound good, choose a suitable color for your slide. Blue is considered a ‘good business colour’ because it reflects reliability (note the School colours!). Dr. Morton Walker, in his book The Power of Color, (chapter 3) suggests that Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security and order.
Another tips for public speaking anxiety reduction : You need to really understand the subject, really much reduction for public speaking anxiety. Once presenters get started, they often begin to relax. Memorise your first line …but don’t read from a script – use cue cards. These will help you to appear more spontaneous & natural. Hide your public speaking anxiety.
Public speaking anxiety can be reduced by positive affirmations. It is a technique that seems to work, providing you persist with it. If you are making a professional presentation, never tell your audience that you are nervous ( public speaking anxiety ). People scared about presentations often have an inner voice that says “ I am going to mess this up!” Colin Rose (1999) promotes this technique as a way of overcoming public speaking anxiety in presentations. Positive affirmations are about changing the ‘inner script’.
Talk about public speaking anxiety : to Counselling Service, Effective Learning Officer, or anyone else who will listen and advice sympathetically and constructively. Listen to advice about it: the Counselling Service has a tape you can listen to online to help you manage your anxiety and learn to relax (see ‘Relaxation Techniques’ on their website. Read about it ( public speaking anxiety ): The University Counselling Service has a leaflet: ‘Anxiety and Panic Attacks’, for reduce public speaking anxiety that contains practical advice (available online).