Successful in public speaking activities lies not in mastering the material, but also depends on the ability to speak effectively. Niki Flacks renowned speakers at Power Talk in Australia said "Public speaking activities are performing", because public speaking activities does not lie in the natural activity obtained from birth, but an emphasis on communication skills is more dominant, which requires training.
Professor of communications, master in public speaking activities and industry relations known from Macquarie University in Sydney said that today a manager can not be said to be good without having the skills to communicate ( public speaking activities ). Studies conducted APM Training Institute in Australia found that 80.7% said there were three of the most desirable communication skills of marketing executives, and presentation skills are the most desirable. Presentation skills is a kind of public speaking activities.
The most important part in the presentation or public speaking activities is preparation (90%), the rest is the presentation and discussion. Even if you master the material and able to speak well, preparation remains to be done. With these preparations, you can find a better idea to be conveyed to the audience.
According to Abraham Lincoln: "If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours sharpening the ax.” The main advantage of the careful preparation is the efficiency of presentation time or public speaking activities and reduce nervousness and stage fright. Lincoln, suggests that for a presentation or public speaking activities , 90% used for preparations. Preparation that must be taken according to Maksum include: site surveys, analysis of objectives, research & implementation, & framework structure, visualization of writing, & media, training, and delivery.
The presentation should have clear objectives. Presentation as the best communication tool ( public speaking activities ) to convey the technical work, reports or information on any subject. Presentations can also be used to show the ability, because of the way a person giving a presentation can be judged how far he had mastered the field. But according Limited, the presenter should take into account the type and composition of the audience who later encountered, for example: different audiences, different moods and attitudes of openness, and social relationships.
The question that often arises is how to overcome nervousness before a presentation. The answer is preparation! This method is the most powerful way to overcome nervousness in public speaking activities. In the presentation, to convey the material in a systematic and sequential, argumentation, causal relationships, data accuracy, supporting theories, the relevance of the methodology used, the results obtained, the testing conducted, as well as benefits.
In order to satisfy your presentation or public speaking activities, use a tool to visually convey the material; write key words in sequence; give an honest explanation to every questioner; care for face to face communication during the presentation; examine your clothing and appearance, because of the attention given to the first audience Your appearance and accept advice and criticism;
According to Dale Carnegie about public speaking activities, the things that need to be done in a public speaking activities is: do not write anything outside of the presentation, make a concise record of the parts to be delivered, to convey information in the form of illustration or example, do not memorize word for word, do not worry when presenting , master the knowledge widely, and be yourself, do not imitate others.
Good preparation in public speaking activities includes designing the exact time of presentation. Set a time that is proportional to the introduction, the contents of the conversation, conclusions, and suggestions. Then practice with that budget time!
When presenting a presenter should be able to build professionalism, class atmosphere, tolerant, enthusiastic, fair, and be assertive without degrading the audience in following the presentation can be concentrated exposure to relax. There are a number of strategies that result in a good presentation. According Limited: setting time, determine the approach, the effective opening line, using a variety of technical terms carefully, language and style in public speaking activities, word choice and sentence for formal events, concise and clear, avoiding jargon, and presenters are sensitive to your audience.