Christina Stuart, Director of the Speak Easy Training Ltd.. in the UK said that the speaker when giving presentations should listen to and control the audience's attention. The audience will be listening to the speaker, if there is something interesting for example attitudes, content, appearance, and behavior. So the audience will listen, pay attention, give feedback, ask questions, and others. Even possible to adopt and apply what you are talking about.
Speakers when giving presentations should be considered positive to suggestions, comments, or questions from the audience. It is a mistake to view the question-answer forum considered a massacre or other negative perception. Indeed, sometimes there are audiences who want to show off the cleverness: but you have to keep positive thinking that all the questions in the forum was a valuable input. If the audience is conveyed correctly, accept gracefully and sportsmanship that they are true. But when presented wrong according to your audience, convey your arguments wisely. Really good rule in giving presentations.
According to AA Arman, in general there are a number of principles that need our attention in giving presentations that is not talking about something they already know, let alone who did not want to hear. Do not humble yourself by saying that you are actually less mastered the material.
Giving presentations with multimedia applications is highly recommended as your choice. This method is more interactive, and powerful drag. The use of effects, animation, graphic objects, as well as audio and video material to be more optimal if strung together through the application of this type.
Steps for preparing to giving presentations
1. Determine the theme and specific objective in giving presentations
This initial step gives you direction in start giving presentations action
2. Arrange presentation framework
A good presentation should have a skeleton material as outlined in the presentation points. Arrange the main points of presentation, and consideration of the necessity of supporting references.
3. Gather materials
Gather the resources required reading. Also supporting materials such as pictures, audio, video, charts and tables and other supporting data. The process of collecting this material will certainly be easier and targeted if you have determined the first and second points above.
4. Create presentation
If the materials are ready, start making a presentation in accordance with the framework that you created. If at any time you feel the need for additional materials, note that you can look at other opportunities. Continue to make presentations to the end, then look for lack of materials that you noted earlier. This is 4 steps to giving presentations succesfully.
For giving presentations, to mastering a way of making a presentation to a particular application ( eg PowerPoint presentations ), you also need to master the use of other devices such as LCD installation, use auto pointers, sound system and minor trouble shooting if there are technical obstacles.
How good your presentation materials, and any sophisticated devices available, will all be for naught if your presentation is not attractive. Therefore, you need to consider the following 3 things: The first is practice. Second is practice, and number three practice. Yes, practice presentations is key to the success of your presentation. Practice about interesting presentation opening. Practicing mastered the audience, keeping time available to practice, practice bringing relevant humor. Practicing, and keep practicing until you are ready to fight! Then… go for giving presentations.
Each presenter if want to giving presentations, should conduct a series of activities, such: study materials, analysis of audience, the media, using of time, making preparation, and exercise. Success presentation is largely determined by factors such as moderator, readiness, and confidence. The value of presenter in giving presentations determined by the mastery of materials, insight, attitude towards the audience, use of presentation tools, and how to respond to audience questions. So, the presenter have to master presentation equipment and study materials are presented for good result in giving presentations.