Summary: For make your presentation interesting you can use live fun game, computer game and unique movie in the opening presentation. This posting serve you some example for that purpose, how to play, how to make it by your self. I also provide you download link for a fun simple game software (memory block game).
Keyword: presentation interesting, interesting presentation, magic presentation, make your presentation
Here are some tricks for make your presentation interesting
Fun game “If – Then”
Make your presentation interesting by opening with fun game. The opening of this type is suitable for training events or seminars that lasted long. To bring the game takes 15-30 minutes.
• Distribute blank paper to all participants
• Divide participants into two groups
• The first group, you give the name "If-Group", the two you gave the name "Then-Group"
• All "If-Group” asked to write the words beginning with “if”
• All "Then-Group” asked to write words beginning with “then”
• Limit the time of writing, 2-3 minutes
How to play:
- Require a person to voluntarily from the " If-Group", and a person of " Then-Group", each asked to stand and get ready to read aloud
- You tell the participants: "If I say read!, then a designated from the If-Group read his writings, and then immediately followed by a person designated from Then-Group.
- If you're ready, then you say "READ!"
- Repeat again to find a pair of other participants until completion or until you feel enough
Note: This game will invite laughter because the statement "if - then" from a couple group most likely incoherent. For example: If I was hungry …. then I went to the moon.
Well, if there is an suitable couple, your need to give them a gift. With the gift, then each participant will each offer themselves to be given the opportunity to read his writings.
Fun, right? Make your presentation interesting! Good luck ...
Game software
Make your presentation interesting by opening with game software. Games can also be presented using a computer program. Memory Blocks game for example the following:
How to play:
• Click on another block whose image is the same
The game is very interesting, because it requires strong memory. Make your presentation more interesting by this game. Good luck ...
Memory Block game download, click here!
How to make a fun game
• Make yourself if you can ...
• Buy the card magic book, magic numbers or other simple
• Download thousands of free games ...type "download free games" in google search
• Make your presentation more desirable
Unique Movie
The opening of the movie can be done when your presentation with a computer and LCD projector. Make your presentation like that. This is most easily because you do not need to memorize the script. Simply provide the file that contains a moving image (movie / film) are funny, weird or amazing. Select a movie with a short duration only.
How to find unique movie for make your presentation more fresh
• Visit
• Type "funny video", "video weird" in the search box.
• Download it
Now you know how to make your presentation more interesting, more desirable, fresh and fun.