12 Ways Opening for Make Interesting Presentation:
1. Strange question
2. Surprising statement
3. Interesting quote
4. Fresh humor
5. Fun game
6. Unique movie
7. Case studies
8. Experience exceptional
9. The results splashy
10. The story touched the hearts
11. The fact that stirs the soul
12. Imagery
Examples and how to make it easy...
Make an interesting presentation today! Do not forget, that you point out the opening to be aligned or aligned with the theme. For that you need to "bridge of themes", as a liaison between the opening and your theme.
It will be better if you choose the kind of opening interesting presentation that really fit with the theme of the presentation. This will sharpen the themes and facilitate the making of the theme bridge. But in principle, any type of opening can be made their "theme bridge." About the technique makes a theme bridge, later I will discuss in particular.
This type of opening must be tailored to the participants, places and situations. Duration is also need to be tailored available. It’s time to develop your interesting presentation.
This is first tactics to make opening for interesting presentation:
1. Strange Question
Strange question really able to make interesting presentation. This is my favorite ways to lure participants in make interesting presentation, seminars, or training. Just to ask questions to your audience. The question will make the participants think. To further entice participants, try asking a strange question. The more bizarre the more lure to attract participants.
Want to know how the concrete? Consider these opening examples for make interesting presentation:
Example 1: What is it?
"Today I have a special question for you. Who can answer, please can later take home TV 21 inch from the nearest supermarket. Do not forget to pay yourself...!
Here's the question:
There is a very heavy object. Even encouraged by the 10 people also could not move. Strangely, enough to blow a soft object can move. What is it?
Answer: The train. When the whistle blew: beeeeeep .... then the object is too heavy to move.
Interesting question for interesting presentation.
How to make a weird question for your interesting presentation
• Find facts, stories, or things that are strange, unique or odd
• You can look it up in Google with keywords:
• Strange puzzle
• Strange but true
• You will find millions of inspiration to create a strange question
• Very easy, right?
• There is an easier:
• Use only the examples above
• Take in the "Warehouse Seasonings Presentation"
2. Shocking statement for make an interesting presentation
This opening will definitely make fresh your participants. Just look at some examples:
Statement : Sorry, I can fulfill my promise
"Gentlemen, I am sorry that I can not fulfill my promise that I have ever uttered about bonuses of 2.5%.
True, we have held meetings with the directors, and recounting it carefully, it turns out the numbers are very different from what I presented last week.
Sales of the new division sped away from the figure that I mentioned yesterday.
How big is the difference? Apparently up to 40%! This difference is very big.
Last week as you see, that the total sales of the new division we can be proud because it reached USD 700 million. We were wrong count, the difference to 40%. Should have the correct numbers for the sale of the new division is ...
[Pause, to make participants more curious]
Nine hundred and eighty million (980 million) dollars, 40% larger than last week's data ....
Therefore, the company did not give a bonus of 2.5% but 5 %.... for all of you who participated in the new division development team. |
All meeting participants rejoice to hear this shocking news
Wait for another opening tips for your interesting presentation. Develop your presentations skills today...