Transition phrases have a very important function:
• Sharpen the theme of the presentation, or
• Solutions for opening presentations that are less relevant to the theme
Since the transition phrases have a very important function, then the public speaking skills of this type must be owned by anyone.
Public speaking skills for sharpen your theme
If you open a presentation with a jigsaw puzzle game, while the theme of your presentation is "organization goals" then you must make a transition phrases that connect between the jigsaw puzzle to organization goal. This is an important public speaking skills are rarely discussed by experts.
Examples of the opening presentations with jigsaw puzzles:
• Participants were divided into 5 groups
• Each group was given pieces of the jigsaw that has been encrypted like this:
• Then asked to assemble pieces that become an image
• Give a maximum of 15 minutes
• Observe, how many minutes each group can solve it?
Repeat the same task with the additional information that they are required to form an image like this:
Public speaking skills a discussion of this first section, you will see examples of transition phrase that connects jigsaw puzzle with the goals of the organization as follows:
"Good fellow, let us examine the results:
In the first stage, there are three groups who can not complete the task. A group can complete in 14 minutes, while the group C can finish in 12 minutes.
Give applause to the group C ....!
Give applause to all the groups ....!
Thank you, thank you ....
The question is, why in the second stage can be completed much faster than the first stage?
[ Public speaking skills tips: let the students talk, thank you, and appreciate his opinion ]
Yes, because at the second stage, the fellow told the finished drawing. The second stage has a very clear objective, namely that the pieces can be arranged to form the image buttons.
Dear friends .... Likewise, if the organization we have a clear goal, then we are more easily and more quickly achieve the goal. On this occasion I will give a presentation about the goal of our organization. | This Public speaking skills really need you have, right!?
The above example is the transition phrases that can sharpen the theme. Sharpening is due to the opening of the selected closely related to the theme that will be presented.
The problem is, sometimes we do not find compelling opening that is closely related to the theme. What's the solution? This is the second function of transition phrases, as a solution for the opening of the less relevant to the theme, or even irrelevant at all. These skills will you get if you develop public speaking skills in using transition phrases
Opening of the jigsaw puzzle that is connected with the theme:
• Communications technology
• Online business
Transition phrases: Jigsaw puzzles - Communication Technology
"Good fellow, let us examine the results: The first stage, there are three groups who can not finish the task. A group can complete in 14 minutes, the group C can finish in 12 minutes. Give applause to the group C ....!
Next, let's look at the second stage .... It turned out that all groups can finish in less than 5 minutes.
Give applause to all the groups ....!
Thank you, thank you ....
The question is, why in the second stage is much easier?
[ Public speaking skills tips: let the students talk, thank you, and appreciate his opinion ]
Yes, because at the second stage there is better communication. I communicate to you your job objectives by giving examples of the finished drawing, right?
According to William J. Seller, communication is a process in which verbal or nonverbal symbols sent, received and given meaning. Communication is very help us to achieve success. Therefore, we can understand that today many people who develop communications technologies. How is the development of communication technology capable of dramatically changing human civilization? This is the today’s theme. | Good public speaking skills.
Transition phrases: Jigsaw puzzles - Business online
"Good fellow, let us examine the results:
In the first stage, there are three groups who can not complete the task. A group can complete in 14 minutes, while the group C can finish in 12 minutes.
Give applause to the group C ....!
Next, let's look at the second stage .... It turned out that all groups can finish in less than 5 minutes.
Give applause to all the groups ....!
Thank you, thank you ....
The question is, why in the first phase all groups found it difficult?
[ Public speaking skills tips: let the students talk, thank you, and appreciate his opinion ]
Yes, because at the first stage:
• You have not experienced, and
• You do not have a clue at all
Everyone will surely have difficulty doing something when she has no experience and no clue to do, although the work was actually very easy. So it is with an online business. Many people think that online business is very difficult. This fact is exactly as if you are working on a jigsaw puzzle, without experience and without clear guidance.
The online business was easy, of course if you want to look for clues and try it. Another good news is, you do not need to bother looking for clues for today I will present to you about an online business. Source: Imtra Training Center for public speaking skills.