1. Using Language
• Short, 2 parts per sentence.
Reduce the use of connecting words: 'that', "which", "connection with", etc..
Consider the following sentence:
"That's watchdog, which had decided to move the work, eventually rethink, and decided to keep working at this company." This sentence consists of 4 parts. Too long. Need a high attention to digest. Too formal and rigid.
Try to compare with this one:
"Trustees had decided to move the work, but not so."
A good presentation tips from Stephen R. Maloney, in every sentence should only contain two parts. Also avoid the phrase.
• Do not use cliché language (language stale)
"Let the golden opportunity that never peerless, today, poor science will deliver a few words relating to things that are not familiar about fasting is that of course every year is we usually do." Do not use sentences like this at your presentation.
The sentence can be replaced with:
"Today I will convey important themes, about fasting."
This is more assertive, a good presentation tips, no-nonsense and more promotion!
2. Body Language
Gestures include: face, eyes, body, hands and position.
• Gestures that fit can sharpen the message and more dramatic
• Move reasonable, not excessive
• Moving toward the participant, if possible
• Front looks friendly
• Eye contact with participants, 4-5 seconds to a few participants that you deem necessary (important participants and attendees are noisy). Other participants were washed with each eye 2-3 seconds.
Why is it necessary eye contact? Is it a good presentation tips?
When your eyes collide with the participants, the participants will realize that you are giving special attention to him. This will increase the seriousness of the participants in your presentation. It is really a good presentation tips. Look at a good presentation tips from Ahtesa, eye contact is a form of rapport you and the participants. Also gives the image that you are confident and competent.
3. Techniques VIPAT
• Volume
Do not flat, but needs to lower the high variation
adjusted to the message.
• Intonation (pressure)
In certain parts there should be an emphasis
Specifically, in order to seed messages can be received with good
• Pause
Paused after convey an idea, giving listeners a chance to digest, a good presentation tips.
• Articulation (clarity)
Pronunciation of each word clearly, good to hear participants
• Tempo (speed)
Vary, to be monotonous and boring
4. Using tools
Tools that can be used is the graphics, images, tools, materials and supplies simulation, etc.. Highly recommended presentations using LCD projector and PowerPoint presentation.
Function tools
• Attract attention and interest
• Supporting the notion
• Sharpens memory of participants
5. Fostering Relationships with Participants
Fostering relationships with participants is essential. Most important in a good presentation tips.
• Participants became more active, because there are interactions
• Participants feel valued
• Participants are more serious to follow you
• Participants are not bored
• Presentations to life
How to build relationships with participants
• Asking questions
• Eye contact
• Ask participants to do something
• Ask participants to read something
• Approaching the participants
6. A Good Presentation Tips for Taming The Participants
• Participants talk with fellow participants
Discussion among the participants can be reduced, even eliminated if we can present the presentation interesting. But if there are participants make discussion among them, overcome with eye contact, or point to the participants and give an easy question (so as not to embarrass).
• Participants are invited to argue
Solved by throwing to the other participants
• Participants like to ask
Although not given the opportunity to ask, participants who liked it would launch a question to ask. When the question and answer session is opened, the people of this type will intensively bombarded with many questions. Questions and answers that are not controlled, will reduce the time of presentation ... you might be running out of time.
Overcome by making the rules ask. For example, each person a maximum of 2 questions. If he asks not in time, you save the question and answer frequently asked questions when the term opened.
• Participants liked noted
I've been asked participants to re-display the previous slide because he has not finished recording. This of course interfere with the smooth presentation.
I handle it by saying: "Sir, if you want to record it later after the presentation." At that time participants only get a print out a summary only.
I'd rather not share print out the presentation, because the participants usually like to read and read for yourself. By dividing the print out after the presentation (not before), participants can focus more attention to presentation.
• Participants sleepy, bored
It usually occurs at midday, after lunch.
Overcome with the ice breaker that makes the participants literate, for example: humor, games, magic, gymnastics, etc.. This is really a good presentation tips for you.