The Last Concert
MNCTV presenter make a statement, "This is the last concert of Soneta Group". This statement of course makes all the Soneta fans surprise, at once curious to follow the details.
After the show was almost over, presenter explain “this is the last concert of Soneta at this year.” | (Note: This concert was held at the end of the year in order to welcome the new year).
That’s kind of magic presentation. Above example is the inspiration for you to be creative to make a shocking statement. Congratulations to shock ....
How to make magic presentation with shocking statement
Find a fact which has never previously suspected, for example:
• News sudden
• Change of plans
• Cancellation of a sudden
• News surprise
• Includes obituary someone known by the participants
• Lots and easy ...
Interesting quote for magic presentation
Quotes, wise words, etc. you can use in the preamble to captivate the listeners.
Example for magic presentation with interesting quote:
“A proverb says, If you do not know then you can not love it. ...anyone know the point?
[Stop a moment, give participants a chance to speak. Thank the participants who gave an opinion, and respect his opinion]
Apparently this proverb implies a deep and wonderful! Want to know?
Here's the explanation ...
If a farmer found the fossil bones while digging the ground, without thinking he's definitely going to throw it away. Isn’t it? But if that finding fossils is an archaeologist, an expert who investigated the life of the past, it is certain that he was so very excited. He'll happily prancing, because finding a very valuable goods, which had been looking for.
Against the same goods, there is recognition that much different from a farmer than an archaeologist. So, if you do not know then you can not love it…”
How to make an interesting quote for magic presentation
• Sources enormous: proverb, wise word, sayings, quotes etc.
• Googling with keywords "wise word" or "pearl of wisdom"
• Select to match your theme
• explain the meaning, uniqueness, urgency etc
Fresh humor for magic presentation
No doubt, the opening of this type is an interesting ice breaker. Make sure your humor is not offensive. See the example of magic presentation with humor below:
The only odd man
There was an exclusive seminar in Jakarta. Exclusive, due to be attended only by men. The seminar took place very solemn and interesting, the number of participants approximately 40 people from various cities.
Before the break, the emcee made an announcement:
"Gentlemen, it’s time to rest. Rest period of 60 minutes. Prayer room is on the right. Dining room is in front and there are toilets on the left side."
The audience rushed out. All go to the toilet, because they restrain themselves during the seminar. It's known, his seminar is so very important and interesting.
There are 3 toilets. Toilets for women, for husband is afraid of his wife, and toilets for the husband who is not afraid of his wife.
Apparently, all seminar participants lined up in the toilet for husband is afraid of his wife. No exception, including of the speaker in this seminar.
Shortly thereafter, somebody go to the toilet for the husband who is not afraid of his wife! This the only brave husband, odd man…
All eyes go there with a quizzical stare.
"What about the man's secret well, why not scared of the wife?" Someone ask.
"Let’s ask him later" Someone give the answer.
After the odd man was out from his toilet, a few curious people ask him.
"What's the secret you become a husband that is not afraid with your wife?”
With a relaxed, Mr. Joni (odd man) dismantle his secret.
"That's the secret ... sir." Pointing to the red car in the opposite direction.
Everyone saw that car, but still surprised.
"What's wrong with the car sir?" Asked the astonished friend.
While scratching Joni said, "That's my wife's car .... She had told me that I must entered this toilet .... " |
A magic presentation !