For increase effective communications skills use this check list of effective communication tips bellow:
Pay complete attention to your speaking partner (face and body)
If you want to be noticed, you should pay attention to people. When communicating with others, do it with full attention. Expose the face and your body to your interlocutor. ( Effective communications skills #1)
Keep eye contact during a conversation
With eye contact, you're showing that you are confident, steady, seriously and appreciate your interlocutor. Many people do not dare to eye contact with the interlocutor, even worse they are considered impolite if you dare to look into the eyes of others. Moreover, your interlocutor is your boss. This is obviously a mistake that need to be repaired immediately. ( Effective communications skills #2)
Manage your thoughts for focusing to understanding
During the communication, make sure you pay attention closely to what you are listening to. Do not use your mind to imagine that others, including to prepare your answers will be provided. Focus on understanding what you hear. ( Effective communications skills #3)
Only preparing your reply after your partner give complete explanation
If you prepare your answer while listening to your friend, surely you do not fully understand what your friend meant. This is the purpose of point 3 above, you should focus first on what your friends say. Once you truly understand, and the friends you've finished talking, then you answer.
It appears this way will result in poor quality of the answers, because the time to prepare answers shorter. Apparently not, precisely the opposite! This method will produce better quality answers as you can understand the purpose of your friends with more perfect. The answers you give should not have to think long and be prepared before your friends had finished speaking, because you can just answer naturally. No made-up, answer honestly with what you know. So no longer need thinkers. ( Effective communications skills #4)
Eliminate interference that can reduce the concentration
Much can be reduce the quality of communication. They are noise, place, weather and others. Turn off your phone, speak in a comfortable place and not many people passing by. ( Effective communications skills #5)
Demonstrate your seriousness
Use body language to express this, for example by nodding your head. Or shake one if your friend make a surprise. However, do not over gestures. ( Effective communications skills #6)
Appearing interested
Almost the same as the number 6 above, but here the emphasis was on the answer you are showing interest. I mean interested in talking with your friends, even if you are not interested in the themes being discussed. ( Effective communications skills #7)
Asking a questions for clarification
If there is something uncomfortable, you are less clearly captures the intention of speech, or because your friend is not to the point convey its true intentions, so do not hesitate to ask. Effective communications skills is related with asking skill. The question that is best suited for this purpose is the kind of closed questions, ie questions that simply answered with Yes or No. For example, "So, that mean you do not agree?" ( communications skills #8)
Some tips to improve self-confidence for example with a proper dressing and fitting. Arrived on time. Use your favorite perfume. Learn about the characters and hobbies. To increase confidence, you also need to study the issues you are discussing. You do not underestimate with your friends, and do not also take it higher. Suppose you and he / they are the same as you. Imagine that he respects you like you respect him/them. This is the key to confidence. ( Effective communications skills #9)
React calmly
If anyone make you surprise, show your natural reaction! Do not overdo it. Do it with calm. Overreaction will certainly reduce your self-esteem in front of your friends. ( Effective communications skills #10)
Develop open communication
Be open, respectful. Do not the monopoly of the conversation. Give your friend opportunity to ask or convey anything to you but the point still on the subject of discussion. ( Effective communications skills #11)
Use positive vocabulary
Positive vocabulary is no using "don’t" or "no", for example: " I think it is better to use A" Negative vocabulary such as "Do not use the B, because B is not good” ( Effective communications skills #12)
Seek solutions
The main purpose of communication is to find a solution. Make sure the direction we are moving towards communication solutions. Of course, to the win win solution. ( Effective communications skills #13)
Stick to the subject
This is to make your communications are effective, and can produce solutions quickly and accurately. If you feel the topic has deviated, return on your main subject quickly. ( Effective communications skills #14)
Avoid a new unrelated issues
By opening things that are not related then your communication is ineffective and even may not produce a solution. ( Effective communications skills #15)
Speak in terms of what the other person understands
Customize your communication language with your friends. Use language easily understood. If you use a strange term, it could be your friend misunderstood your intent. ( Effective communications skills #16)
Make it easy for others to understand what you're saying
I mean: do not talk back and forth, just to the point. ( Effective communications skills #17)
Use common terms, avoid jargon and flowery speech
Yes, it's dangerous if you violate. ( Effective communications skills #18)
Making your partner happy :)
This is the most important point among others. Develop an attitude of "I'm happy if I can make other people happy". ( Effective communications skills #19)
Do this effective communications tips check list, have a success and good communication!
Jack up your effective communications skills today…