drug that is normally used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, and multiple personality disorder. Many people who have public speaking anxiety also use this drug.
But be careful..., use of these drugs are not safe!
SSRI are the first class of psychotropic drugs were found by a process called rational drug design. Is the most widely prescribed antidepressants in many countries.
SSRI are often prescribed for anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, chronic pain and even premature ejaculation etc. The use of SSRI approved for use with psychiatric disorders. Weaknesses of using SSRI in treating premature ejaculation is in need of treatment every day, and continuously to delay ejaculation significantly. The effect, SSRI can cause various types of sexual dysfunction such as anorgasmia, erectile dysfunction, and decreased libido. In addition, the efficacy of SSRI for the treatment of depression compared to placebo is still debated.
Side effects
The most common side effects occur in the first 1-4 weeks while your body adjusts to the drug. Almost all SSRI are known to cause one or more of these symptoms:
* Drowsiness or sleepiness
* Nausea / vomiting
* Bruxism
* Headache
* Very clear, or strange dreams
* Tinnitus
* Fatigue
* Dizziness
* Mydriasis (pupil dilation)
* Urinary retention
* Changes in appetite
* Insomnia and / or changes in sleep
* Changes in sexual behavior (see next section)
* Increased risk of fractures and injuries
* Kidney disorders
* Akathisia
and others
Interaction with carbohydrate metabolism
Serotonin is also involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Analysis of multiple roles in treating depression SSRI cover the effects on carbohydrate metabolism from intervening in serotonin handling by the body.
Claims and warning for use this drugs
Many claims have been filed with the manufacturers of the drug to compensate for losses associated with SSRI use. They are also accused of not providing a warning to the user side effects from this drug. In 2005, the U.S. FDA asked manufacturers to include a black box warning on antidepressant drug packaging. With the inclusion of a black box warning may have caused the decline in SSRI prescription.
So, do not this drugs for overcoming public speaking fear
Reff. for this public speaking anxiety drugs article : www.en.wikipedia.org searching by public speaking anxiety drugs for overcoming public speaking fear