Verbal communication skills
Examples for verbal communication are oral discussions, speeches, presentations, interpersonal communication. When you come face to face, communication using body language and tone of voice plays a significant role and have a greater impact to the listener than the content words that we speak.
For example, two people who say words the same jokes, the first is very entertaining because of body language and tone of his voice, but a second person could even be considered intrusive. If someone “I am pleased to meet you” with a muttered, bending, and look deep into the side… how do you think?
Nonverbal communication skills
Research shows that the majority of our communication is non verbal. Examples of non-verbal communication is eye contact, gestures, communication with the words, pictures, symbols, codes and more. Non-verbal communication is also called the language of silence and played a key role to determine. In a speech also contain nonverbal elements of the quality of sound, emotion, speaking style, rhythm and intonation of voice and stress.
Why communication skills is needed? The answer is, communication is the most dominant activity in our lives. Start waking up until bedtime, humans can not be separated from of communications. This means, the quality of a person’s communication is a major effect on quality of life.
Therefore, there is no reason for us to not increase the communication skills. Jack up your communication skills, quality of communications, nonverbal communication, verbal communication, interpersonal communication, body language and presentations skills today!
Jack Up Communication skills for Jack Up your life
Do you know why did George Bush became US president? The answer is : communication skills ! Yes, he really upgrade his communication skills, especially in public speaking. Public speaking is a part of communication skills.
Here’s the narrative of Time magazine at that time:
“Bush brought a speech as good as Michael Dukakis’s speech in New Orleans – The audience cheered and applauded very long, and even at room television operator. People talk about his speech (communication skills) was very intriguing. With a convincing style, Bush introduced the concepts of family, freedom and future. “(Stephen R. Maloney, Talk Your Way To The Top, 1992).
How Bush is so far not known as excellent in communication skills suddenly managed to amaze the public millions of Americans who are very critical? Apparently ..... there are 2 keys that determine the success of his speech.
Bush is really prepared speech material and improve his communication skills very seriously. He is willing to hire a manuscript expert, Peggy Noonan (coach for communication skills). Peggy Noonan packing materials with the basic idea of Bush's speech "War of Armageddon". Bush and Noonan often met to discuss the preparation of the speech material (Stephen R. Maloney). Yes, the script written by Peggy Noonan apparently the key to success. Clearly, the material presentation or speech must be dealt with very seriously! That's the first key to your success.
Bush brought his speech with a very great, because he practiced repeatedly.
You may say, "I don’t need practice for my speech” But remember, if you practice, certainly much better! Continuous exercise is the second key to Bush's success. Clearly, the speech material that has been cultivated with slick, then you have to practice present continuous.
This is a true success story by improving communication skills. Jack up your communication skills for jack up your life...