1. The Big Book of Irish Jokes for public speaking jokes
2. The 100 Funniest Jokes Of All Time
3. The Ultimate 'Yo Mama' Collection for public speaking jokes
4. The Blonde Q & A Joke Collection
5. The Six volume Online Joke Book Collection for public speaking jokes
6. Get Paid to Make People Laugh, public speaking jokes
7. Seven Secrets of Comedy Writers and Comedians for public speaking jokes
8. Smiling For Dollars: 24 Ways To Make Money With Humor
9. The Fun Factor: 10 Ways You Can Be Happier... Right Now!
10. Joke Selection Secrets, public speaking jokes
11. Delivery & Timing Secrets for public speaking jokes
12. Top 10 Joke Telling Mistakes
13. 7 Essential Comedy Secrets for public speaking jokes
14. Adding Comedy To Speeches
15. Delivery & Presentation Secrets for public speaking jokes
16. Transition Line Secrets
17. Stand-up Comedy Myths Shattered for public speaking jokes
Download and more info about Public Speaking Jokes clik here!
Public Speaking Guidline from wicomico.umd.edu
One of the most important life skills a 4-H member can learn is how to give a talk before a group of people without being scared. Teachers are always impressed by 4-H members who can stand before their class and give an organized report without being nervous. Your parents and friends will be impressed too!!
The INTRODUCTION should include something to get everyone’s attention (read: public speaking jokes ) followed by your name, age, club and what the demonstration is about. For example, a demonstration on making cookies might begin with the bell on a kitchen timer ringing. After stopping the bell, you could say. “Those cookies sure smell good. I hope they’re done! Hi, I’m Chris Smith. I’m ten years old and a member of the Green Clover 4-H Club. In my demonstration I’ll tell you everything you need to know to make delicious chocolate chip cookies.”
DEMONSTRATIONS – The first speaking most 4-Hers do is a demonstration (also known as a visual presentation) at a club meeting. Demonstrations are easy, a lot like “show and tell”. Show and tell your fellow club members how to do something you’ve learned in a project. Every good demonstration has a beginning (introduction), middle (body) and end (conclusion).
Use 4x6 inch NOTE CARDS with an outline of “key” words to keep from leaving something out. Don’t “read” your demonstration and don’t try to memorize it. Eye contact with the audience is important. Practice in front of a mirror. Practice on your family too, but don’t give your talk so much you’re tired of it. Learn public speaking jokes for your presentations.
In the BODY of the demonstration you show and tell, step by step, how to make the cookies. Your talk might include how to read a recipe and how to measure dry and liquid ingredients, tips on nutrition, kitchen safety, etc. Your demonstration should be well organized and follow a logical order. Public speaking jokes course alsa talk about your body language.
The CONCLUSION just repeats the major parts of your talk. For example, you might say, “In conclusion, remember to wash your hands before beginning, check to see you have everything before starting, etc.”
Ages and Times – 4-Hers compete with others in their same age group. These are the same age groups as for most 4-H activities. Juniors: ages 8 to 10; Intermediates: Ages 11 to 13; and Seniors: ages 14 to 18. The time limits for Juniors is 5 to 10 minutes. The time limit for Intermediates and Seniors is 10 to 15 minutes. Judges may deduct points for demonstrations that are too long or too short. Time limits do not include set-up or clean-up.
PREPARED SPEECHES – are a little like demonstrations, but they’re different too. Like a demonstration you should have an introduction, middle and conclusion. Use 4 x 6 note cards with a key word outline. Again, don’t read your speech and don’t memorize it. Posters aren’t used in the public speaking contest. Instead of “show and tell”, you’ll talk about something you’re interested in.
For your better presentation, take the public speaking jokes course