Fact #1
75% (three out of every four individuals) suffer from public speaking fear (speech anxiety).
Fact #2
5% of the world population (hundreds of millions aged between 18-54), experience this kind of social phobia in any given year.
Fact #3
Some surveys results show that most people rather die instead of public speaking. This is the result for top ten fears:
1. Public speaking fear
2. Death fear
3. Spiders fear
4. Darkness fear
5. Heights fear
6. People or social situations fear
7. Flying fear
8. Open spaces fear
9. Thunder and lightning fear
10. Confined spaces fear
Which one that suitable with you? Hope no one!
Fact #4
Women and men are equally affected in public speaking fear statistics
Fact #5
More men than women try to overcoming fear of public speaking
Fact #6
Social phobias often start with shyness in childhood or early adolescence, and progresses during adolescence
Fact #7
Public speaking fear has negative effects on careers and impact success in life negatively when you do nothing for overcoming it.
This public speaking fear statistics data from www.psydir.com
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