When Forte include all permanent employees who number around 47,000 people and they train the managers to the Commitment to Excellence program, for 20 hours spent two weeks. Because the program can generate a more open culture and can provide empowerment. And the results were quite remarkable that complaints from customers to be down 33% and appreciation from customers increased 28% within one year after the program is done.
In using the manager as a coach, a lot of benefits to be gained, such as:
- Training in time adapted to the circumstances in the workplace.
- Have a greater understanding of service standards and can keep reviewing and studying or in training their employees, managers or supervisors.
- Training provided by managers can lead to the occurrence of two-way dialogue, discussion seriously and continuously in doing something to obtain optimal results and can review on problem solving.
One thing that is impossible, if the manager hopes to be able to provide training without any training in presentation skills and techniques of training beforehand. One method in practice for a manager that is by participating in training and development which is also attended by employees.
Because effective as a coach must understand the training materials in advance, before delivering the training. Where not already know about the method steps or tasks that will face, trainers need to require more in explanation, guidance, training and coaching.
As a manager should be able to explain the purpose and the material thoroughly and maximum training. Manager must have better presentation skills. Managers also need to disseminate training materials through the channels of communication with a clear and reasonable rules. By starting from the facts already known and understood, then connect to more complicated problems to be understood that require greater insight and complete in understanding. Managers are usually easier to learn by looking at examples, as this can facilitate the discussion of training managers in the show and people will also be easier to remember what has been said and done alone. Therefore, the training becomes very important for people who participate in a training activity. As a case of people who have repeatedly and uniformly at a specified time and generate feedback on the training.
According to the observations of IAA (Audiovisual Industrial Association), most people learn through:
- Sense of 3%
- Touch of 6%
- Smell 3%
- Hearing 13%
- Vision 75%
And people will remember from:
- 10% of what we read
- 20% of what we hear
- 30% of what we see
- 50% of what we see and hear
- 80% of what we say
- 90% of what we say and do
Better presentation skills. If there is a manager who oversees a large department that must be guided and trained, then most likely the manager will get the means of assistance from team leaders in the implementation of training for and assistance in develop better presentation skills coaching plan. By the way, planning for development and training that is specific to each person. Aim of the plan is to be used to monitor progress and become a way to study the people who participate in training. Reach better presentation skills today!