Try to give the opening interesting presentation for your attractive presentation. If you have interesting opening presentation audience certainly would be interested to hear your presentation. Vice versa if you are not able to provide an interesting opening, then the audience will think you are not bringing attractive presentation.
Begin by giving a greeting to the entire audience along with your sweet smile to look more friendly, so your audience will surely smile too wide because you liked the friendly attitude. This is the beginning of the tricks to make attractive presentations that can influence your audience to love listening to your presentation.
Below is an example of attractive presentation of offering software services personnel administration system to prospective buyers of your product:
"Good morning, ladies and gentleman thank your for your attending. Allow me to introduce about the services of a software system of personnel administration that is very sophisticated. This software is easy to administer and very fast operation. This presentation aims to demonstrate the sophistication of software, and its superiority compared to similar products already on the market.
Here's an example the opening sentence of a brief presentation to make your attractive presentation. I hope you also can provide a more memorable opening presentation to the audience you again, briefly, solid and can be understood about what you say. If the audience already assumes that you are bringing an attractive presentation so the audience will respond to you what you presented.
Make attractive presentation with "huqufaqu" method
What is huqufaqu? Huqufaqu is humor, quote, fact and question for opening your attractive presentation.
1. Humor
Absolutely, humor Able to make attractive presentation. Using humor in the presentation can enliven the atmosphere. Moreover, if the humor is very suitable to the theme of the presentation that we bring, certainly more memorable than the humor that does not fit with the theme of our presentation.
2. Interesting quote
This quote we can get from the books presentation, if indeed we do not have the quote itself. Select in accordance with our presentation materials, interesting quote that would make a curious audience and the audience will focus on listening to your presentation because of their curiosity. Make attractive presentation with interesting fact.
Getting a quote is not only through presentation books, but also through the media or can also ask for quotes from your closest friends. The important thing we can give a brief quote, solid, interesting, useful and can make the audience curious, so we heard presentations through to completion.
3. Shocking Facts
The opening presentation can also use facts and data, the purpose is to make the audience interested in our presentation, provided that the data accurately and in accordance with the facts. Discover the startling facts to make attractive presentation. Suppose we want to give a presentation entitled: "The importance of keeping the environment clean"
"The mortality rate of this city are in the last 3 months increased by almost 400% over the previous 3 months” Use of this fact certainly makes the audience was shocked that they would be interested to follow further explanation.
4. Ice Breaker Questions
Make attractive presentation can be done by asking questions to the audience, love questions that correspond with the topic of your presentation. By asking questions, then your audience will be involved with your theme. They will listen and answer your question if you can. It's a simple ice breaker that you can apply.
This is the importance of using the interesting opening presentation for make attractive presentation and successful. But keep in mind, that gave the opening presentation it must be conformed to the topic of the presentation in order to connect with the content of your presentation and even better brought before the presentation, you take the time to practice opening and the contents of your presentation materials, so you have a mature readiness while delivering the presentation.
If you are ready to give a presentation with a good opening, so be prepared your audience will listen to your presentation with enthusiasm and presentation you deserve to be called a successful presentation. Presentation tips : make your attractive presentation with "Huqufaqu"