1. Like making a movie
A presentation is a story. Therefore, make a presentation similar to making a movie. There is a major role, a supporting role, a scene-specific scenes are impressive, and the plot is clear from the beginning to the end. This is an important illustration of how to improve presentation skills.
2. Focus on the benefits and advantages
In your presentation, make sure you clearly convey the benefits or the advantages obtained for follow your advice. Your advice can be referred to the action or use (buy) your product. For example, if you suggest to your audience wake up early, then you should explain the benefits of early wake up. Why buy an iPhone 3G? Because "the iPhone 3G is twice as fast with half the price." So, knowing the benefits or profits and any advice you give a logical reason is the answer of how to improve presentation skills.
3. Sell money machine, not selling products
When Jobs introduced a product, when most people see a product that just as a communication tool for example, then Jobs will present how these products can make you richer. How the product could be a money machine for you. This is the difference between how to improve presentation skills like Steve Jobs in the appeal by the others.
4. Create a title that Twitter friendly
Can you describe your product or service in 140 characters? Steve Jobs created the title or description for every product and every title that can easily fit in Twitter posts. For example, when Jobs introduced the MacBook Air in January 2008, he described with the phrase "world's thinnest notebook." The sentence that speaks a lot of things. Steve Jobs will give details of its products in its presentation and the Apple website, but it determines one sentence positioning for each product. This is how to improve presentation skills like Steve Jobs.
5. Draw a road map
This is another answer for how to improve presentation skills like Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs gives the story boundaries (outline) at the beginning of each presentation. In a music event on September 9, 2009, Jobs told the audience that he will talk about three products: iPhone, iTunes, and iPod. Throughout the presentation he always gave verbal markers to help the audience follow the plot. For example after he finished explaining about the iPhone he said, "iPhone. The first thing I want to talk about today. Now, let's move on to the second, iTunes. "Verbal markers in order to keep the listener stay on course story.
6. Select a picture rather than the words
Not many words in Steve Jobs presentation. Jobs using photos and drawings. These are important tips how to improve presentation skills. Steve Jobs once said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Information is more easily remembered when text and image combined. For example, when Steve Jobs unveiled the Macbook Air, Apple's ultra-thin laptop, he showed a slide showing the pictures go with the Macbook Air fits into a manila envelope. A picture is worth a thousand words.
7. Wake up your audiences every 10-15 minutes!
How to improve presentation skills to keep participants interested? The study concluded that concentrations from the audience following the presentation only lasted about 10-15 minutes. This means that your audience can only survive in the first 10-15 minutes to give attention to your presentation. After that, the attention of the audience will be reduced. Because of that, Steve Jobs every 10-15 minutes he rested his presentation with video, demonstration or guest speakers. He really does not allow time for the audience to become bored.
8. Use the word teaser
Steve Jobs described the iPhone 3G speed on the latest with the word "amazingly zippy." That's the word decoy that is memorable, simple and can be an attraction for listeners. This is how to improve presentation skills. When most business presenters use words that are too technical, unclear, or confusing, Jobs very simple language.
9. Steve Jobs also like you ...
Do not be surprised, it turns out world-class presenters spend many days to train every aspect of his presentation in order to present the best. He believes one thing, that by practicing certain result will be much better. He actually choose the word, image, determine the number of slides and manage presentation time carefully. Yes, Steve Jobs a lot of practice because of fear of failure ... like you. If you find that you feel no need to practice, then you do not like Steve Jobs! This is how to improve presentation skills like Steve Jobs.