Opening presentation can use ingredients that are not relevant to the theme, then the seasoning for engineering content should really relevant to the theme. Both are used to successful presentation.
If the opening presentation can use any kind of seasoning for successful presentation, the seasoning for engineering content to successful presentation that can be used the type:
• Interesting quotes
• Movie, pictures, graphs, tables etc.
• Case studies
• Experience exceptional
• The results splashy
• The story touched the hearts
• Facts that touch the soul
Examples of engineering content for successful presentation by using the quote interesting:
“A proverb says, not know no love ... anyone know the point?”
[Stop a moment, give participants a chance to speak. Thank to the participants who gave an opinion, and respect his opinion]
Apparently this proverb implies a deep and wonderful! Want to know? Here's the explanation ... If a farmer found the fossil bones while digging the ground, without thinking he's definitely going to throw it away. Right?! But if that finding fossils is an archaeologist, an expert who investigated the life of the past, it is certain that he was so very excited. He'll happily prancing, because finding a very valuable goods, which had been looking for.
Against the same goods, there is recognition that much different from a farmer than an archaeologist. That is “not know no love” Today we will know more about ... so that we can better appreciate it as an archaeologist appreciate fossils.
That's some engineering content for your successful presentation.
• Which do you like most?
• Which is most easily?
• Do your answers!
Finally, close your successful presentation with an impressive way.
Let's see ....
Closing memorable for successful presentation
In order for your successful presentation, close your presentation with the right. Never shut down immediately after the question-answer session. Question-answer session potentially obscure the main theme, especially if there are questions that come out the theme. Closing presentation after it, then the impression of the participants to the mission of the presentation is less sharp. Especially if there are questions you can not answer properly, then you immediately close. This is dangerous because it can reduce the power against core themes.
Therefore, if there should be question and answer session, place before the Closing Memorable moment.
The basic components impressive cover:
• Seasonings cover
• Conclusion
• Call for action
Seasoning the cover can be:
• Interesting quotes
• Case studies
• Experience exceptional
• The results splashy
• The story touches the heart (the story of wisdom)
Use spices cover very relevant to the conclusion, then give the conclusion and invite action! Make your successful presentation today!
Also read these articles from this presentations tips and presentations skills blog:
- Hone Your Commercial Presentation Skills
- Successful Presentation By Engineering Content
- The Great Tips for Successful Presentation
- Successful Presentation by Powerpoint Skills