1. Non-Verbal communication.
2. Verbal communication.
3. The gap between verbal communication and non verbal
4. Conduct observations of objects and interpretation
5. Fostering good relations with
6. Analysis of Communication Problems
Non-verbal communication, communication skills coaching
Non-verbal communication means a communication of information conveyed by without using words such as:
a. Using body language are: wave of the hand, facial expression, eye contact, touch, movement of the head, stance or posture.
b. Using signs, such as waving a white flag means surrender or the other.
c. Using the action or actions
d. Using the object.
e. Using color
The function of non-verbal communication that is: Can equip, stresses, and exaggerate against verbal communication.
Verbal communication, communication skills coaching
Verbal communication is the language of communication that uses words, either orally or in writing. By using verbal language, you can express your feeling, thoughts or your destination.
As for the aspects of verbal communication which vocabulary, speed, tone of voice, humor and the right time and brief.
Gaps verbal and non verbal communication., Communication skills coaching
Gaps verbal and non verbal communication that consists of three things:
a. The similarity between verbal and non verbal communication.
b. The similarity between two or more questions.
c. The similarity between what was said and what is done.
Conduct observations & interpretation of objects, communication skills coaching
In making observations of objects you can do by looking at the behavior of people and listen to what people say carefully. While interpretation is an impression that you give after what you've seen and with the person.
The meaning stages which include:
a. Reflection (movement) feeling
b. Clarification of purification, explanation, and return to what is actually
c. Confrontation
d. Interpretation
Fostering good relationships with, communication skills coaching
Three points to consider in fostering good relations are:
a. Showed signs of attention to verbal and non verbal.
b. Establish cooperation.
c. Give a positive response, such as: Praise or support.
d. Be kindly.
e. Mutual respect.
f. Accept what is.
g. Be empathetic and sincere.
Analysis of communication problems, communication skills coaching
Analysis of the communication problem is the analysis of transactional analysis model of communication which is where someone puts himself fit different psychological positions.
Berner said: "That every person's personality that there are three components of the so-called Ego State". That is:
a. Child ego state.
b. Adult ego state.
c. Parent ego state.
1. Ego State Children
In the ego state of children, there are elements, behaviors and words that often appear in him, among which:
a. Elements that appear, such as: Spontaneous, rebel and conforming.
b. Behavior that appears, such as: Shy-shy, quiet, biting nails, whiny, calm and whine.
c. The words that appear, such as: wow, eng, fun oii and ashamed ah.
2. Adult Ego State
In the adult ego state, there are elements and words that often appear in him, among which:
a. Elements that appear, such as: a rational and objective thinking and the ability to process data.
b. The words that appear, such as: What, where, when, how, why, in my opinion and so forth.
3. Parent Ego State
The parent ego state, there is a marked element, which is based on the behavior and words are often used, namely:
a. Elements are characterized by: Wise, courteous, fair, intelligent, critical, smart and generous.
b. Behavior based on communication skills coaching, such as: Critics and the helper.
c. The words are often used, such as: Poor you, anyway, watch out, you still do not, etc..
This communication skills coaching which can be useful to improve your presentation skills.