Teachers also need to have teaching presentation skills. If it does not have teaching presentation skills despite high science teacher, it will be useless in teaching and will be difficult for students to absorb knowledge that has been given by the teacher. This is important for a teacher teaching presentation skills.
Teachers can master teaching presentation skills, there are some things that need to be studied:
1. Teaching presentation skills to open the lesson
In the book by Hasibuan entitled "Teaching and Learning". He writes: "That opens the lesson is an act creating an attractive atmosphere, so that students' attention focused with what will be learned". The fact is that many people thought that the first impression of a form of relationship is a key to success in achieving the desired objectives that person. In other words a meeting or a good first impression, it will produce good also. That way, skills lesson is to open one of the keys to success that must take precedence in teaching and learning activities.
For that, a teacher must master some of the components contained in the open learning skills:
a. Arouse the attention and interest of the students
b. Raises self-motivation in students
c. Suggest that the knowledge will be taught with existing knowledge.
2. Tteaching presentation skills to explain the lesson
Mastering the skills explaining the lesson to the students is also an important thing for teachers. Because the process of teaching a teacher in the classroom is to provide explanations or descriptions of the lessons that have been delivered to students.
Skills describe the lesson includes three components, namely:
a. Planning for an explanation of the subject matter will be given to students.
b. Provides an explanation
c. The explanation is Having a teacher should be able to provide examples and illustrations, giving the pressure, giving way to organize and provide feedback.
3. Tteaching presentation skills for asking
Questioning skills is a component that is not less important, because by giving a question to the student or the teacher asked the students about the lessons that have been conveyed his teacher, then teachers will be able to see how far the ability or the quality of his students to think of the lessons that have been granted to him. Is there a change of thinking is complex or not. Characteristics of good questions:
a. Sentence should be short and clear.
b. The goal must be clear.
c. Each question there is only one problem.
d. Encourage children to critical thinking
e. Expected answer is not simply "Yes" or "No".
f. Language in question must be known and understood by students.
4. Teaching presentation skills to make a variety
The purpose of mastering the skills to hold a variety of teaching and learning activities, students do not experience boredom or saturated. To that end, the teacher is required capable of organizing the variations that will show perseverance, and the sight of people exiting participate actively in teaching and learning. Skills to make variations include three things:
a. Variations in the style of teaching.
b. Variations in patterns of teacher interaction with students.
c. Variations in the media and learning tools.
5. Teaching presentation skills to manage class
Often a teacher noticed the commotion in the classroom that makes students not ready to accept the lesson, or deliberately making noise so that lessons are discontinued, this is all because most teachers are still not able to master the skills to manage the class well. So a teacher should be mastering skills in a way to manage class actions based on the understanding of the properties and the forces that drive to understanding the properties of the class.
6. Teaching presentation skills to closing the lessons
The purpose of closing the lesson is a process in the end the lessons learned from the lesson and summarize what has been learned in the classroom, does not mean completion of the entire learning process.
There are teachers who have mastered the lessons that have been closed is given namely:
a. Summarizes the re-learning materials that have been studied.
b. Having students create a summary of lessons already learned.
c. Conducting evaluation or repetition of the lesson material that will be given.
If all the above teaching presentation skills already controlled by a teacher, then the process of teaching and learning in school will provide opportunities to the outcome desired by teachers who are supportive and full of enthusiasm and energy that moves quickly and easily adjust to the teaching and learning in the classroom. Re you a teacher? Develop teaching presentation skills now ...