Well, in this article I will give you public speaking tips from Steve Jobs. Here's the secret of his public speaking techniques:
Public speaking techniques # 1: Use words that bombastic
Indeed, Steve Jobs often use words that are hyperbolic in presenting the launch of products such as: "Amazing", "Fantastic", "Awesome", "Magical", "Blown me away" and others. In order to illustrate that your product is great and good. By this public speaking techniques can make the audience more enthusiastic and excited.
Public speaking techniques # 2: Repeating and repeating again
Say it over and over again in your presentation so that your audience can strengthen hearts. But this public speaking techniques should be used within the period of 20-30 minutes so that your audience does not boring.
Public speaking techniques # 3: Maximize the oration
This is really a public speaking techniques. Steve Jobs’s slide is more likely to use a few text. According to his text in a slide that just as a reminder audiences only. While that should be improved is the explanation of your product. Thus, the audience will not turn his attention from your presentation. This method is very different when you use the premises slides display text that much, definitely will make your audience bored because they regard you as the person reading the text rather than describe your product.
Public speaking techniques # 4: Demo
In a product launch, the main thing that is demonstrating with great products. As you might know that Apple products are more valuable in the world of technology compared with other products. That's because Steve Jobs demonstrating their products with great colleagues, for example when Steve Jobs demonstrate the sophistication of features that iPhone can see a map of the plan addresses tavern and food through this iPhone with the help of Google Maps and can also be used to make phone calls directly to the shop that we choose in sketch map of the store earlier.
So what makes a crowded audience at the time? It turns out that keeps the audience busy while giving applause, it's because Steve Jobs directly practiced by calling the store to order drinks and food for the audience. Superb well, no wonder that the audience cheered while providing immediate applause. For that great demo with your product.
Public speaking techniques # 5: Use video
The another way is often used by Steve Jobs, he always make clear which features products by using video and this is a very powerful way of demonstrating your product so that your audience does not feel bored or tired. Examples of when Steve Jobs presents iPad products both, he always uses the video with the aim of the audience can enjoy the presentation that he is playing, usually Steve Jobs always make video with the time duration between 4 to 7 minutes. By this public speaking techniques you can save your voice, right?
Public speaking techniques # 6: Create a comparison
Apple products are often made comparisons between the openly-made products with other vendors' products in public. For example, when Steve Jobs introduced the MacBook Air is the thinnest laptop in the world, Steve Jobs is not afraid to compare new products with other products that are no less thin than other leading technology vendors, as long as can still be accountable. Although you can do the same thing as Steve Jobs. Be careful in using public speaking techniques. You need to consider is that you must be honest in presenting your product data and other product data. If you do not do this, your product may be sold but gradually you will be hated because you've lied. be honest in using this public speaking techniques.
Public speaking techniques # 7: Involving the audience
In order to make your audience interest to your product, then let your audience to try your own products. Eliminate their doubts. Allow your audience to do what he likes such as lifting your product up and down, squeeze out the product, take pictures or record a video, as long as it's a positive thing leave it alone. This is the last way of Steve Jobs, who is the ultimate. Do not ever leave this public speaking techniques.
OK, it is time for you to begin practice imitating Steve Jobs. Who knew you could do the same for your product is exactly what has been demonstrated by Steve Jobs during his lifetime. Being a successful public speaker. Always use this public speaking techniques |