The main function of ice breaking is to raise the level of attention of participants to the goals of your presentation. Tips for a good presentation: Convey ice breaking at the beginning of your presentation and every 15 minutes thereafter. Because based on research results, on average each person to be able to concentrate on one particular focus is only about 15 minutes. Remember, always use this tips for a good presentation.
In a previous article, I have already shared the types of ice breaking. This time I want to serve other types of ice breaking that you can use them to generate an attractive presentation. They are: (1) Yell (2) applause (3) singing (4) movement of limbs, and (6) games.
1. Yells
An ice breaker is played by the presenter said something and then the participants responded. Using slogans in your presentation was one of the tips for a good presentation. Example:
Presenter: Hello ....
Participants: Hi ....
Presenter: How are you?
Participants: Fabulous
Presenter: Are you ready?
Participants: Bang!
Presenter: Work hard
Participants: Best result
2. Applause
Next tips for a good presentation is by asking participants to clap hands 3 times, then say "Yes!" with clenched his fists. If the presenter said "again" then the participants repeat do it. Presenters can repeat up to 3 or 4 times. Presenter can say "again" at any time. When audience already looks lackluster, the presenter may spontaneously say "again" to run the tap yes (ice breaker) it. Good tips for a good presentation.
In addition to the above, you can make provision for example if you hold your nose then participants clap 1 time, if you hold a head then clap twice and so on. Or another way, if you clap once the participant clap four times. If you clap 2 times the participants clapping 3 times and so on.
3. Sing
Choose a famous couplet song, and sing together. Choose a song that can make the spirit atmosphere of your presentation.
4. Movement of limbs
This ice breaker, a tips for a good presentation is highly recommended to do on your mid-term presentation. Therefore, the ice breaker of this type contain a movement that could cause participants refreshed. Participants are asked to stand up and show the right thumb and little finger left hand. Point thumb and little finger to the left, when you say “right” then a little finger change to the thumb, and the thumb change to a little finger. Also turn to the right direction.
Tips for a good presentation for the other movement is, if the presenter said the thumb the participant must lift your little finger. And vice versa. Perform instruction fast, and the wrong movement asked to sing the song.
This type of ice breaker the other limb movement:
If you say “elephant,” participants say “big” while demonstrating little (the opposite)
If you say “ants,” participants say “small” while demonstrating big
If you say a “snake,” participants say “long” while demonstrating short
If you say “caterpillar,” participants say “short” while demonstrating long
5. Games
Participants were asked open left palm, and put the right hand forefinger in the palm of the hand next to your friends. When you say "catch" the participant must try to capture the friend’s finger, while one's own fingers so as not to get caught.
That must be considered when you are giving ice breaker is the time available. You can use 10% - 15% of the time available for the ice breaker. Keep the ice breaker that you can bring that will reinforce the theme you are talking about. This is really tips for a good presentation |